Monday 29 September 2014

Artist Log - Yuri Yasuda

Yuri Yasuda

Yuri Yasuda focuses on people in a really fun way and this is why i chose them, the creativity used to change people is amazing, playing with makeup and colours. Yasuda uses a lot of formal elements such as colour, form, movement. I like Yuri's work as I find them to be fun, the choice of people is really cool, using make-up to alter their appearance. 


In this photo i really likes the way make-up was used. There is also use of colour, white in this photo camouflages the girl to the wall and brings out her hair and bow tie as well as the make-up. I really like this photo I think it's amazing to look at and is really quite cool. 


In this photo there is a lot of colour used, pink, blue and black. the blue in the background makes the girl sit on top of the photo, there is also use of depth with the building in the background increasing the effect of colour on the girl making her even pop out of the photo.


The photo above is a weird one for Yuri Yasuda as usually there are people in their photos but no this time and that is way i chose it. There is use of form on the boots and in a weird way depth, using the boarder to make the boots feel further away. The flower adds the one sense of colour to the photo.


Above is a photo of Yuri's that uses movement, with the man in the foreground rushing around it adds depth to the men in the back ground. The use of one rectangle of colour is strange but works in this photo.

I would like to use Yuri Yasuda's eye for colour, picking out those specific bits of colour to introduce life into there work is extraordinary.

Yasuda has influenced my work as I like to think I began to think about colour and where it's placed rather than just having it involved. Although I would like to take some of the concepts such as the skull makeup and other portraits in that style.

I have began to grow less fond of Yasudas work, I still admire the way the makeup is incorporated into their work but I feel as if it's not what I want to do as much I thought in the beginning 

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